Overcoming obstacles with disabled individuals and increasing importance of activities to meet their living standard represents a humanitarian value. Private and public institutions and organisations that wants contribute to this value should receive support to design applications that will turn the lives of disabled individuals easier. Our company established to create habitable spaces to add values to lives of disabled individuals makes difference with special service fields.
Quality will remove obstacles
Our company works hard to offer better results than accessibility procedures determined by related legislations and laws. Our company acts differently than other similar companies around the world and continues to produce solutions for disables people with innovative and accessible approach. Inspired from the best applications around the world, our company manages consultancy and planning stage of the projects based on the structure of our society. Our company realises services and applications to change lives of disabled people and increase their life standards.
Enable efficient and sustainable project for disabled individuals. Becoming the leader brands with consultancy and planning services. Becoming undertaker of all projects desired for disabled individuals.
Monitoring steps that enabled higher involvement of disabled individuals in social life, creating new ideas to develop and apply these steps, and provide all these innovation to all institutions. Making a life without obstacles possible for disabled individuals.
For Pusula Erişim achieving leader advantage on the market and making a difference is accepted as a strategic value. Within this scope, our main objective is to turn all our knowledge and knowledge source into corporate form for competitive and sustainable growth with integrity and applicability. This strategic approach is consolidated with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 18001:2007, and ISO 14001:2004 certificates given to Pusula Erişim and determination of Pusula Erişim on this subject continues increasingly with the support of customers.