Warnings plates and devices in areas like hospitals and shopping malls with human population should have certain standards that could be perceived by disabled citizens. For this reason, practicality of new or current structures in designed and manufactured systems are enabled. Therefore, without additional infrastructure and electric grid system, disabled people can be guided to emergency exits with warnings and guidance.

Emergency Audio Directions

This device model can save life in case of fire in areas with disabled citizens. With mountable systems that can be attached on fire doors or next to fire doors depending on architecture, disabled individuals are guided to exits. This product has no infrastructure system need and can be mounted in the shortest amount of time. Additionally, the product can be activated based on the command from main fire button or main alarm system. Depending on architectural plan and structure of the building, device holds the records of emergency exit guidance and announces these records by activating in emergency.

There is a flasher integrated with audio system. This flasher enables individuals with hearing impairment to notice emergency warnings and exits. This device could operate until alarm system is turned off and this device could be used for individuals with hearing and visually impaired to locate emergency exits.

WC Corded Call Button System

This is a help button system especially manufactured for institutions and organisations. This button warns related personnel when disabled employee or individual experiences any danger inside the building. When the button is pressed, related personnel can rapidly move to related location to help the disabled individual.

Button Help System for Disabled Individuals

This is a help button system especially manufactured for institutions and organisations. This button warns related personnel when disabled employee or individual experiences any danger inside the building. When the button is pressed, related personnel can rapidly move to related location to help the disabled individual.