Incentives to turn lives of disabled individuals are increasing every day. As number of disabled individuals is increasing within social life, number of solutions to turn their life easier is increasing. Induction cycle system among these solutions aim for people with poor hearing capabilities. This solution can completely eliminate the communication problems of individuals with hearing impairment or using hearing aid devices in institutions and organisations.
Induction cycle systems have different models and these are among affordable and high performance solutions. These systems turn sound waves in a room to electronic waves that can better perceived by hearing aid devices and people with hearing impairment. Noise and other coarse sounds are prevented as well. This way, cleaner and healthier communication channel is achieved.
Bank Type Induction System
Induction products consist of two different models. Different models can be supplied based on needs and demands. One of the standard models for service buildings is bank type. This system can be activated without any mounting and better communication channel can be provided in institutions such as banks or hospitals for individuals with hearing impairment. Bank type models are ideal for places with intense information communication.
It is important to have bank type induction systems in places such as market, pharmacy, hospital, booths for healthier communication. This is an important application to prevent all problems of individuals with hearing impairment during information sharing.
Fixed Induction Cycle Systems
There are other induction system manufactured as an alternative to bank type model. These systems are constantly open in applied spaces. This model is often preferred in education institutions for individuals with hearing impairment. Also, this model is suitable for mosques, conference rooms, and common areas.
There are signs indicating that induction system is usable. This sign is mandatory in spaces with active induction system. Individual with hearing impairment can turn hearing device to T position and access to waves from induction cycle device. This enables healthier communication. If signs are not visible in a space with induction system, individuals cannot benefit from advantages of induction system.